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Accessibility Overview

Guelph Independent Living is committed to, and working towards ensuring that all programs and services are accessible to everyone. Policies and programs are designed to respect the dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity for all members of our community.

Transportation Program

GIL has introduced a fund available to clients to assist with transportation costs for medical, social and recreational trips.

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (2021)

To learn more about Guelph Independent Living’s strategy for meeting its priorities related to the AODA (2005) Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation, please read our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.

Standards for Accessibility Policy

To learn more about what our clients and employees can expect from us read our Standards for Accessibility Policy.

AODA Customer Service Policy

Guelph Independent Living ensures that its programs and services are accessible to everyone in the community in accordance with Ontario Regulation 429/07 Accessibility Standards for Customer Service.

By clicking on the AODA Customer Service Policy, you can read about the principles and practices Guelph Independent Living has in place to meet the standards.

Alternative Formats

If you require any downloadable materials in an alternate format, click on the Alternative Format Request Form, print, complete and return the copy to the contact person listed below.


To provide feedback about how Guelph Independent Living is fulfilling its AODA requirements, click on the Feedback Form, complete the form, print and return it to the contact person listed below.